Spam fArtists

I wish the people who decide to spam every comment field, every forum and every place they can write, would find something more useful to do with their time.

I’ve had the pleasure of hunting down crappy spam artists who think it’s cool to leave you a little useless dropping of their shit.  It’s a cheap way to get advertising.  They have been sold this idea that there are numerous ways to get free advertising simply by dropping a line tagged on to a  comment.  Stupidly, what they fail to understand, because lets face it, if they were smart they’d see this isn’t working,  is that people don’t like being spoofed, they don’t like their comments hijacked by someone with nothing useful to say and they don’t want anything to do with any product presented this way.

I have people asking to join my facebook page and it’s clear they have a fake profile that they set up a minute before they send the request and then they close it.  I keep all of my pages set up so that any post must be verified by me first – it’s not rocket science – prove you’re a real person and I’ll gladly listen to your comment.

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