Category Archives: Stuff I Discovered

Addendum to Spam Fartists

I would like to thank all you hard working spammers who try diligently to log in to my site or update with your latest cialis product.  You make my life interesting and you just don’t get the respect you deserve,  so I have forwarded your info to Interpol and your respective ISP’s and you can explain your new lovely products to them as well as why you think it’s good to keep doing this.  Maybe they can help you with a little publicity – unless that’s not the publicity you wanted.  Oh well – too bad – so sad.

Just Grow Up – Musings over Coffee

Join me in a cuppa?
Join me in a cuppa?

“Just Grow UP!” This is not a statement anyone likes to hear.  It elicits bad karma, anger and does nothing to resolve what you’re really saying.  Typically thrown out there when you’ve run out of anything useful to say but you’re still really pissed off.  It also can mean that it’s impossible to have a conversation with this person until they actually want to have one.

When you get into an argument you can’t seem to resolve because one or more parties (including yourself) are not willing or able to see the other side.  Saying the same statement over and over to make your point does absolutely nothing for the resolution.  If it wasn’t understood the first time you said it, that understanding won’t change if you keep repeating the same sentence.  You have to be a bit creative or step away from the situation until you’re calm  and come up with a different tactic to explain what you want to say.  As for the listening side of it, you really need to put your lips together and don’t open them except to repeat what you thought you heard back to the person and then let them know whether you understand by saying so.  For example:  “I don’t understand your statement, can you please rephrase it?”  or “I understand now, you want me to…….” (then paraphrase what you understand)

The next lovely problem is that siblings sometimes don’t treat each other with respect or in any adult manner.  You learn how to survive and what your place is in the family at a very early age.  This is where the hierarchy is first formed that will determine how you interact with these people for the rest of your life  unless something happens to change that behavior.  For a few this method of interaction rears its ugly head when / if you decide to do some form of business transaction with a sibling.  Manipulation, coercion, bullying, guilting are all learned behaviors from youth.  These may have been useful when you’re 2 but are very self destructive to us as adults unless you really are in charge and need people to behave for life threatening situations.  If you are on the receiving end of this, I highly recommend not giving in to any of this type of behavior.  Otherwise can be known as emotional extortion, the best thing you can do is not feed it.  Relationships can be destroyed for a very long time if not permanently for being drawn in to this.

On the flip side, you may have to speak your mind, say an absolute “NO” and then let the chips fall where they may.  You may not gain any respect from them but cut your losses, keep your emotions in check and let the person know you won’t stand for this type of behavior.  If you don’t want to be controlled then don’t LET someone control you.

Pay it Forward

We’ve all been there, in fact, we’re there right now. Driving down the highway and the guy/gal in front of you has cleared the windshield but there’s a mountain of snow on the roof. Sometimes it’s quite entertaining when they pull up to a stop and that entire mountain slides down their windshield, love it, however sometimes it’s not so nice. Clouds of snow trailing the vehicle making visibility almost non-existent if you happen to be the one behind them.
Even more ominous are the ones that clear the snow but left a beautiful sheet of ice on top and turned it into a deadly projectile at 100km/h. These are the wingnuts that plead, “It’s too high to reach”, “I had to leave because I was late”, “My snow brush broke” etc, etc, etc. Cry me a river.
I was on a long stretch of busy 2 lane highway a couple of days ago and all of a sudden in the middle of nowhere there was a traffic jam. I thought at first it was an accident but there were no emergency vehicles with the exception of an OPP car with two big officers trying to push an SUV out of a ditch, well, kind of a ditch, more like a snowmobile trail 9 inches deep in snow. They were having no luck and some in the long line of waiting cars, had started honking. I thought to myself, it seemed a no brainer to help push the car out and we could all move on. Now I’m almost 60 and I had that thought – I wonder why all the people in such a hurry on the road didn’t think that! Hmmm. I rolled my window down and asked the officers if they could use a hand, “the more the merrier” came the response. It didn’t take rocket science to park my car and walk over and on the way enlisted some of those impatient drivers who all of a sudden grew a heart or didn’t want to be outdone by an old lady. The car was out of the ditch in 2 minutes.
Moral: haste makes waste – sometimes when you’re in the biggest hurry the most unexpected delays will slow you down. The prize is not arriving at your destination on time, but how you made the journey.

Happy New Year

The standard greeting after the new year baby kicks out grampa old year.

Why do we celebrate New Years? what is the excitement about?

It’s a time to reflect collectively on what we have accomplished or failed, a time to make new plans for the upcoming year and a time  to celebrate that blending.  Although we truly do this almost every day of our lives.  We really need the new year celebrations to reaffirm our commitment and to separate this chain of never ending events in our lives.

There have been years that I no longer cared about bringing in the New Year and just went to bed, I did ,however, notice that it felt like a very very long year and I was constantly putting the old year numbers in place.

This year I plan to visit old friends for coffee, ride my horse more than twice,  build my craft/workshop and actually start doing some of the crafts I have around the house.  This is stuff that is ongoing and the fact that it’s a new year doesn’t really change it, I just wanted to verbally and in writing, confirm it to myself.  Kind of like a personal contract to me.

I also need to continue my philanthropic ways with my family and help them succeed and move on in their lives.

All the best to you and yours and hope you can stick to your resolutions.

Happy New Year!

Update January 13, 2016

I have begun some of my projects already – have an awesome workshoppy corner in my basement.  Got a little creative with some furniture and it’s starting to look like something I can get into.  Picture to come.

I have also finally connected my wireless tv to the network.  It needed a signal boost to get Netflix on it.


Update: March 28, Easter Monday

During April I’ll be looking for friends to connect with  for a little catch up and a coffee/tea.  Tim Hortons is the place and I hope you don’t mind that I may be posting our adventure to the past.  Verbal only and only if you agree.  After all it’s not about me getting story material, it’s about our meeting up.  Let’s warm up the month of April.

Only In Canada, Eh?

This summer the family took a 2 1/2 week whirlwind  trek across Canada from Ottawa to Victoria in an old awesome 81 Westfalia Vanagon .  We drove for about 8 hrs a day, sometimes more before finding a site to park for the night.  It wasn’t practical to book a place to stay in advance because we really had no idea how far we could go in a day, so we took a chance, night after night.

There was so much to see and understand while traveling across this great country.  Aside from stunning beauty of the landscape there was also sharp contrast visible in the economy of small town Canada.  We had traveled this same route in 2009 and it was shocking to see the difference.  Our last trip showed us struggling but still viable small businesses trying to make a living in their chosen part of Canada.  There were the mom and pop shops and the young entrepreneurs with energy and hope to make it and there were the fast moving growth of big box stores filling the outskirts of many slightly larger towns and cities.  Fast forward 6 years and change was very stark.  Small town/villages often had half of the businesses closed up on their main street.  We traveled the TransCanada Highway all the way this time and it was clear our economy is hurting.

Motel for Sale – Cheap
Long ago abandoned what looks to be perhaps a gas station at one time.
Sold the farm. This place looks to be circa 1950’s or earlier

I began to be fascinated by all the empty houses, motels, garages and corner stores that looked as if the owner just walked away.  No one to buy it and upgrade because there was no business.  Most cars just drive on through as they stop at Shell or Petro Can or any other big name gas station and every Tim’s was backed up and overflowing with business.  We fell to the same mindset and also stopped at these places only adding to the hurt.

On our way home we found a cute little campground that was run by a mom and her son.  They had a beautiful little acreage with a pool and good shower and bathroom facility that you needed a key to get in to.  The only drawback is they only took cash, very strange in today’s world of paypal, credit and debit cards.  We did however scrape up enough cash to stay there and complimented their tenacity.  I feel however after them saying it was a tough summer that they won’t be in operation next year.IMG_3659

Some empty businesses that clearly fell on hard times long before they closed up shop.

Another abandoned dream


IMG_3690 Continue reading Only In Canada, Eh?

Spam fArtists

I wish the people who decide to spam every comment field, every forum and every place they can write, would find something more useful to do with their time.

I’ve had the pleasure of hunting down crappy spam artists who think it’s cool to leave you a little useless dropping of their shit.  It’s a cheap way to get advertising.  They have been sold this idea that there are numerous ways to get free advertising simply by dropping a line tagged on to a  comment.  Stupidly, what they fail to understand, because lets face it, if they were smart they’d see this isn’t working,  is that people don’t like being spoofed, they don’t like their comments hijacked by someone with nothing useful to say and they don’t want anything to do with any product presented this way.

I have people asking to join my facebook page and it’s clear they have a fake profile that they set up a minute before they send the request and then they close it.  I keep all of my pages set up so that any post must be verified by me first – it’s not rocket science – prove you’re a real person and I’ll gladly listen to your comment.