My Favourite Time of Day

I love being up in the early morning, just before the sun comes up.  Sitting quietly with my own thoughts before beginning my sometimes very busy day, is when I can organize what I want to accomplish for the day, rather then run headfirst into it, winging what I want to do.

A nice thought, but usually I just sit in front of my computer in the darkened room and read shit people post about their cats, their dogs, the political sentiments south of our border, and look at nice photos people are taking on their sunny vacations while I’m stuck here in cold Canada.

On that note, while I dread the coming of winter, the snow, the cold and the shovelling, I also love it when the trees are covered in soft white blankets and the streets take on a surreal look.  Parking becomes a problem and people are parking their cars, unintentionally, in the middle of the street because of the 5′ snowbanks between the curb and the closest you can get your car to it.  Walking becomes easier if you choose to share your passage with the struggling vehicles down the centre of the street because the sidewalks have been “plowed” with deep soft impassable layers of now slushy heavy snow.  Still, it’s all quite beautiful.

Watching the sun slowly lighten into the day, street lights going out one at a time as daylight marches across the city, is refreshing.  Every day is a new day, a new chance, a new moment in time giving you yet another attempt at making some progress on a new project or venture.  Sunrises are an inspirational boost to your spirit, pushing, lifting and cajoling your mind into a feel good state that helps you navigate the rest of your hustle and bustle day.

To enjoy this fully, you must only live in the moment.  If you dwell too much on the heavy parts of your life, the world or your bad feelings, you will not only spoil it, but will rob yourself of the moment.  Collect your thoughts and allow the peace and beauty to reach your soul.  Only then will you benefit from the beauty that surrounds you.