Cyclists and the Roadways

While driving in Ottawa’s east end on Ramseyville Rd.  I came upon groups of cyclists (20 or more) riding 3 and more abreast taking up all of the available lanes in an 80km zone.

Don’t get me wrong, I love cycling and I believe in being able to do this just about anywhere, but do you have to have a death wish while doing it?

Please note the laws of the road – as a cyclist you really need to help protect yourself even in groups by not being stupid when you ride.  There’s  enough death and destruction on our highways without adding to it by making entirely dangerous maneuvers.

Clearly below a cyclist or group cannot travel at 80km so they should be respecting the roadways and traveling in single file not globs 3 or 4 deep covering the entire lane.  Every Sunday!

Rules of the road

Cyclists must identify themselves when stopped by police for a contravention of the Highway Traffic Act or municipal by-law regulating traffic. You just need to provide your correct name and address.

Cyclists are required to ride as close as practicable (ie no closer than 1.0 metre) to the right curb of the roadway, except when:

  • Travelling at the normal speed of traffic
  • Avoiding hazardous conditions
  • The roadway is too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to travel safely side-by-side
  • Riding alongside another cyclist in a manner that does not impede the normal movement of traffic
  • Preparing to make a left turn, passing another vehicle, or using a one-way street (in which case riding alongside the left curb is permitted)

Cycling on the sidewalk is prohibited by the City of Ottawa Traffic and Parking By-law except where it is permitted by official or authorized signs.