Just Grow Up – Musings over Coffee

Join me in a cuppa?
Join me in a cuppa?

“Just Grow UP!” This is not a statement anyone likes to hear.  It elicits bad karma, anger and does nothing to resolve what you’re really saying.  Typically thrown out there when you’ve run out of anything useful to say but you’re still really pissed off.  It also can mean that it’s impossible to have a conversation with this person until they actually want to have one.

When you get into an argument you can’t seem to resolve because one or more parties (including yourself) are not willing or able to see the other side.  Saying the same statement over and over to make your point does absolutely nothing for the resolution.  If it wasn’t understood the first time you said it, that understanding won’t change if you keep repeating the same sentence.  You have to be a bit creative or step away from the situation until you’re calm  and come up with a different tactic to explain what you want to say.  As for the listening side of it, you really need to put your lips together and don’t open them except to repeat what you thought you heard back to the person and then let them know whether you understand by saying so.  For example:  “I don’t understand your statement, can you please rephrase it?”  or “I understand now, you want me to…….” (then paraphrase what you understand)

The next lovely problem is that siblings sometimes don’t treat each other with respect or in any adult manner.  You learn how to survive and what your place is in the family at a very early age.  This is where the hierarchy is first formed that will determine how you interact with these people for the rest of your life  unless something happens to change that behavior.  For a few this method of interaction rears its ugly head when / if you decide to do some form of business transaction with a sibling.  Manipulation, coercion, bullying, guilting are all learned behaviors from youth.  These may have been useful when you’re 2 but are very self destructive to us as adults unless you really are in charge and need people to behave for life threatening situations.  If you are on the receiving end of this, I highly recommend not giving in to any of this type of behavior.  Otherwise can be known as emotional extortion, the best thing you can do is not feed it.  Relationships can be destroyed for a very long time if not permanently for being drawn in to this.

On the flip side, you may have to speak your mind, say an absolute “NO” and then let the chips fall where they may.  You may not gain any respect from them but cut your losses, keep your emotions in check and let the person know you won’t stand for this type of behavior.  If you don’t want to be controlled then don’t LET someone control you.